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Become a Board Member

Board of Directors Overview
The Dietitians of Canada (DC) Board of Directors is made up of member volunteers who are elected and accountable to the DC membership. The Board devotes time, energy and talent to develop the strategic direction for DC and ensures that DC remains strong, vibrant and relevant to our members and the dietetic profession. You can learn more about the current Strategic Objectives on DC’s website.
The DC Board governs using a defined set of policies and by-laws. Broadly, the role of the Board is to:
  • Set strategic objectives and priorities for the association, to be achieved by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Provide direction and approve the operations plan (e.g., the operating budget, membership conditions and fees)
  • Evaluate the performance of the CEO by assessing the degree to which strategic objectives and operating plans have been achieved
As outlined in DC by-laws, the Board is composed of 7-12 Directors from across Canada and may include up to three non-dietitian, non-member Directors who hold particular knowledge or skills deemed valuable by the Board. In addition, no more than three Directors may reside in the same province or territory to ensure national representation.
Members are encouraged to view the by-laws and Board policies on DC’s website. 
Note: The Board is currently undertaking a governance review, which includes a thorough review of all policies. As such, current Board policies may be revised to ensure that they are based on best practices that will allow the Board to be more agile and future focused in the Board work that is done for and with members. 
Board Nomination and Election Process
We encourage all interested members to review the Dietitians of Canada Nomination for Election to the Board of Directors: Backgrounder for details on the nomination and election process. This document further outlines details of the nomination and election process, including benefits of Board work and estimated time commitments for related duties.


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