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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Our Commitment
Community. Voice. Support
At Dietitians of Canada, our purpose is to connect and support members, while increasing awareness of the role and value of dietitians. We focus on advocacy, professional practice, leadership development and building a diverse and inclusive professional community.
While we strive to build a community where all members experience a sense of belonging, support and connection, we understand that this is not the current reality. We acknowledge that systematic discrimination exists in our organization and profession, and that we have a role to play in addressing these inequities.
We are committed to grow as an equitable, diverse and inclusive organization, and to move forward we must learn from the feedback we have received - the barriers and opportunities - and continue to seek diverse perspectives as we advance on this journey. We must be humble as we embrace these uncomfortable truths so we can better serve the diverse needs of our members, as well as the diverse needs of people across Canada who seek culturally relevant dietetic services.
We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community within dietetics, where all dietitians have a voice and feel supported in their excellence and growth.
Moving Forward
Moving forward, our work will be guided by the following three principles, which establish a framework for behaviours and decision making:
An intentional effort to make decisions and take actions that support marginalized communities. This requires continued commitment to challenging the status quo and will result in increased diversity in leadership positions and greater voice for underrepresented groups.
A humble and curious approach to acknowledge, learn and support individuals and other organizations in dietetics that are making progress in this space. Specifically, amplifying and integrating the work of other organizations and individuals who can help influence positive change. By working together and creating opportunities for open, transparent dialogue, we can maximize impact as we aim to remove barriers, and create opportunities for marginalized communities to participate more fully with our organization, and in the profession.
An approach where advocacy efforts focus on actively listening to the key priorities and challenges identified by DC members. The Board and leadership team then take on the responsibility of seeking out and creating opportunities to speak up on behalf of these issues. By truly serving as the voice of members, DC will have a direct and positive impact both on professional success and wellbeing of members as well as the public health of those being served.
While the guiding principles inform our approach and mindset about equity, diversity and inclusion at DC, the following four pillars address the key action areas in a sequential and systematic framework that will be implemented in a phased approach to ensure sustainable impact:
Governance & Accountability:
Establish a clear and improved governance structure to achieve our EDI vision and goals that can then be communicated back to members. The structure will encourage and empower members, board members and employees to be involved and provide meaningful feedback, especially in regard to their lived experience.
Education & Training:
Proactively communicate some of the current state barriers and opportunities for change, offer and advocate for more EDI focused education for members and board members, and create channels for member voices to be integrated into this work within the organization.
Systemic Change:
Prioritized processes for change include board recruitment to increase diverse representation and DC’s commitment to Indigenous Peoples, as well as the way in which we advocate and equip members with resources - ensuring our offerings align with their diverse needs.
Community Engagement:
Continued work with key partners, amplifying work of existing organizations and individuals and advocating for progressive health models that support people from diverse communities. Work in this area will require a humble and realistic approach that acknowledges the discriminatory history of dietetics.
If you have any feedback, questions, or would like more information about the equity, diversity and inclusion work at Dietitians of Canada, please contact:
Background and Resources
Review the following resources.
The EDI Journey
Watch the EDI Audit Presentation (September 2022)
Webinar - Foundations of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (February 2022)
EDI Assessment and Strategy June 2023 (Members Only)
Learn more
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