Translating Nutrition Research into a Patient-Centered Cookbook
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Patients with cancer often experience low muscle mass which, if left untreated, can lead to poor health outcomes. This webinar will first address the importance of muscle mass and how nutrition, specifically increased protein intake, can be used to optimize muscle health during cancer treatment. The speaker will then discuss how nutrition research can be translated into patient-centered resources such as cookbooks. The speaker will review the process by which an evidence-based cookbook, The High Protein Cookbook for Muscle Health During Cancer Treatment, was developed and made accessible in numerous formats. Cookbooks are an innovative way to disseminate nutrition research to the public and can directly promote both improved dietary intake and health outcomes for patients.
After this presentation the attendee should be able to:
1. Describe how protein and other nutrients support muscle health, in particular to prevent or treat low muscle mass.
2. Explain the process by which an evidence-based cookbook was created and distributed to the public.
3. Summarize how cookbooks can be used as a strategy to translate nutrition research and improve dietary intake.
Date and Time
Wednesday, October 12th; Noon to 1 pm EST
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About the presenter
Anissa Armet is a registered dietitian and PhD candidate in Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Alberta. Her research focuses on how diet, particularly dietary fiber interventions, affect the gut microbiome and human health. Anissa is regularly interviewed on news channels, radio stations, and social media accounts to discuss her research and current dietary trends. Anissa combined two of her passions – nutrition research and food styling and photography – to create the High Protein Cookbook for Muscle Health During Cancer Treatment with her PhD cosupervisor, Dr. Carla Prado, and colleague Hillary Wilson. The cookbook has been featured in numerous media stories, was a bestseller on Amazon, and was recently nominated for an international Gourmand cookbook award.