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Food Insecurity and 2S/LGBTQ+ Communities sept. 06, 2023 Learn the connections between cis-heteronormativity, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination and access to nutritious foods. The 4 Phases of Visibility: Learn which one you're in so you can start doing the right things in the right order août 18, 2023 Learn about visibility biases, how to recognize which visibility phase you are in and what to prioritize. Working with a Virtual Assistant AMA with Amanda Hamel juil. 21, 2023 Ask questions and chat with Amanda live about what you need to think about when you're considering hiring a virtual assistant. Working with a Virtual Assistant AMA with Amanda Hamel juil. 21, 2023 Ask questions and chat with Amanda live about what you need to think about when you're considering hiring a virtual assistant. Haudenosaunee Food Systems and Stories juin 28, 2023 Learn about Haudenosaunee food systems and food as medicine for the body, mind and spirit. Improving Access to Dietitian Services: Challenges and Limitations Patients Face when Trying to Use Their Health Care Benefits to Work with a Dietitian juin 16, 2023 Learn more about insurance, billing and benefits. Sit, Eat, Thrive: How positioning and adaptive equipment can help in the management of dysphagia juin 16, 2023 Learn how positioning and adaptive equipment can help in dysphagia management. Mini-conférence du Réseau de la nutrition sportive mai 24, 2023 Le réseau Nutrition sportive organise une journée pour les professionnels qui travaillent auprès d’athlètes et de gens actifs. A Conversation About Nutrition Care During the ALS Journey mai 11, 2023 Learn about the meaning of eating when living with life-altering illness and losing loved ones to ALS. Liberal diets in LTC: The what, where, why & how can this be done by dietitians? avr. 27, 2023 Review Best Practices/Research behind liberal diets, and why strict diets don’t work in LTC.
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