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Événements passés

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Gerontology Network Ontario Workshop oct. 26, 2022 Event highlights include updates on regulation changes, National LTC recommendations and best practices. Translating Nutrition Research into a Patient-Centered Cookbook oct. 12, 2022 How an evidence-based cookbook was developed and made accessible in numerous formats. Trauma and Nutrition juil. 13, 2022 This is an event for AHMED and DOC Network members. Visit the Network Portal or join to learn more. Enhancing Cultural Competence in Counselling Plant-Based Clients: Focus on Punjabi Culture juin 17, 2022 Learn how to help clients build balanced and culturally appropriate plant-based meals, with a focus on Punjabi traditions and cuisine. The Impact of Nutrition on Female Health and Hormones! juin 17, 2022 Learn about hormones and female nutrition and health. Applying Canada’s Dietary Guidelines Zoom Discussion mai 27, 2022 Join us to discuss and reflect on Health Canada's new food guide resource. Modern sports nutrition: Being evidence-based in a world of “scienciness” with Louise Burke mai 23, 2022 From the Sports Nutrition NetworK: Explore the challenges of gathering evidence to support sports nutrition practice. Working with Transgender and Gender Diverse People mai 18, 2022 Learn about nutrition issues, nutrition care recommendations and how to conduct assessments for transgender and gender diverse people. Consulting Dietitians Network Conference 2022: Growing your Business from Start-up to Scaling févr. 09, 2022 A virtual conference to equip dietitians with tools & skills to start or scale a successful dietetic business. Household Food Insecurity: A Case for Basic Income oct. 05, 2021 Explore the evidence of basic income in addressing household food insecurity.
Displaying results 31-40 (of 49)
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