Sally Ho to hold workshop on emotional eating to highlight 'how we eat' as part of Nutrition Month

Leading up to Nutrition Month, Dietitians of Canada will catch up with dietitians and nutrition students to find out how they’ll be promoting and celebrating this year. Get inspired, then start planning your own Nutrition Month activities and events! Visit for details.
We spoke with Sally Ho a private practice dietitian in Edmonton to find out what she is planning for March.
DC: What are you planning for Nutrition Month, Sally?
Sally: Since this year’s Nutrition Month team focuses on
how we eat, I decided to run a Craving Change® workshop. Craving Change® is a licensed, cognitive-behavioural program for emotional eating and I’m a certified facilitator of this program.
Often people come to a dietitian to find out what to eat, however, they often already know what’s healthy and nutritious! What people struggle with the most is their environmental and emotional triggers, and this makes a big impact on their eating habits. I wanted to bring this to light during Nutrition Month.
I’m going to promote the workshop through word-of-mouth, social media, and at local communities. I’ll be renting a room in the community and offering the workshop there. Nutrition Month is a great time for the workshop so that I can tie this year’s key messages and promote the value of dietitians.
DC: Do you have any advice for dietitians as they plan their Nutrition Month activities?
Sally: Running a workshop is a great way to get involved in Nutrition Month. You can create your own workshop based upon what your audience is looking for. You can find a space to run your workshop by approaching your local recreation centre or other facility. It’s all about building relationships with your local community. You can also approach your organization to see what’s possible. Nutrition Month is an easy springboard to promote the value, skills, and expertise of dietitians. If we all take part, we can increase our collective impact.
Read more about what other dietitians have planned for Nutrition Month:
Nola Thompson celebrates Nutrition Month with a cooking club
In-store dietitian and food photographer Cindy Bekkedam gets ready for Nutrition Month
Ken Mullock and fellow students celebrates Nutrition Month with a program for faculty
Want to share your Nutrition Month plans with us? Contact