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Dietitians of Canada and the Canadian Association of Social Workers Unite to Address Household Food Insecurity

Ottawa/Toronto, ON, October 7, 2024 — Dietitians of Canada and the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) are pleased to announce that, today, CASW officially adopts the Dietitians of Canada’s Position Statement on Household Food Insecurity as its own, creating a united front in advocating for critical policy changes. 

“We are excited to see the profession of social work amplifying the vital expertise of dietitians and strengthening our collective voice in advocating for strategic federal interventions” said John-Paul Cody-Cox, CEO of Dietitians of Canada. “Together, we are stronger and more capable of driving the systemic changes needed to end food insecurity and, crucially, meet the needs of equity-denied individuals and communities.” 

Dietitians of Canada published the statement earlier this year, detailing actionable recommendations to address household food insecurity with a focus on Indigenous people and communities. It outlines strategies to address food insecurity by addressing poverty and removing barriers to access. 

“Dietitians of Canada’s statement resonates with social workers because it doesn’t offer band-aid solutions. It offers comprehensive solutions that address the social determinants of health,” said CASW President, Barbara Whitenect. “Many different kinds of interventions are needed, but we won’t truly address food insecurity until we’ve addressed poverty and continue to prioritize reconciliation with Indigenous people and communities.”

The Position Statement calls for comprehensive policy measures, including the implementation of a basic income and other measures, naming poverty as a root cause of food insecurity and urging policymakers to prioritize solutions that ensure equitable access to nutritious, culturally appropriate food for all. 

Read CASW’s adopted Statement here.

About Dietitians of Canada
Dietitians of Canada is the nation's leading organization of food and nutrition professionals with nearly three decades of history. Committed to advancing dietetics and healthy eating, our 4,000+ members enhance the health and well-being of Canadians from coast to coast to coast. DC is a trusted source for evidence-based nutrition information for dietitians and the Canadians whom they serve.     

About Canadian Association of Social Workers
The Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) is the national professional association for social workers in Canada, comprised of 10 partner organizations in the provinces and territories. CASW has a dual mandate to support and promote the profession and advance issues of social justice. 

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