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OSAP Advocacy Infographic Jun 25, 2020 Ontario’s OSAP Advocacy Advisory Committee has completed their final task by developing an infographic to raise concerns and recommendations regarding the 2019 changes for the Ontario Student Assistance Program. Anti-racism and privilege in dietetics Jun 01, 2020 Nathalie Savoie reflects on questions raised by members, her own privilege and calls on white colleagues to speak out and take action against racism, for our colleagues, our clients, our patients and our communities. Advice for the general public about COVID-19 May 05, 2020 Dietitians of Canada and dietitians have been asked a number of questions about nutrition and dietary issues related to COVID-19. Please see the following advice about immunity, nutrition, getting prepared and breastfeeding. Dietitians working in the healthcare system need supports from the Federal government May 04, 2020 DC's continues its work to make sure that dietitians' voices are heard at the Federal level as they provide essential care on the front line. New supports for virtual practice and employee health benefits May 01, 2020 Actions to help support dietitians in virtual practice including changes to the Find a Dietitian database and ongoing work with employers. DC's advocacy results in benefits for private practice dietitians May 01, 2020 DC's advocacy at the federal level ensures that supports for dietitians and small business owners are available. Pandemic pay for dietitians working on the front lines in Ontario Apr 29, 2020 Read DC's letter to the Ontario government asking for dietitians to be included on the list of front line workers that are eligible for pandemic pay. DC advocates on issues affecting students during the crisis Apr 28, 2020 DC has been actively engaged with the federal government during Covid-19 to share the voices of students. We know delaying student entry to practice has workforce and financial implications. Students may require immediate financial support or be concerned about paying student loans. DC advocates for fair compensation for home care providers in Ontario Apr 03, 2020 DC and Ontario healthcare associations have reached out to the Ministry of Health on fair compensation for virtual care delivery. Successful meetings with Governments from the Atlantic Provinces during Nutrition Month Mar 31, 2020 DC members in the Atlantic region hosted a number of successful meetings with provincial governments for Nutrition Month and Dietitians Day proclamations.
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