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Resource Library

Use the resource library to find materials, handouts, reports and other documents to learn about DC and to support your practice. 
Search tips:
  • You can search by “Resource Name” and leave the “Category” filter blank.  This will bring up results from all categories that match your title.
  • You can search by “Category” and leave the “Resource Name” filter blank.  This will show you all the items that we have in a specific category.
  • You can search by both “Resource Name” and “Category”.  This will only bring up results that are a match for both filters. For example, if you search by recipe and Nutrition Month, all results have to be from the Nutrition Month category and include the word recipe in the title.
  • When you search by "Resource Name", it will search all the words in the title. It will also search for variations of the word.  For example, you can search by “diet” to find all documents with “diet”, “diets”, “dietetic”, “dietitian” and “dietitians” in the title. Always use the shorter variation of the word for the best results.
  • For best results, only put one word in the search filter. Do not use quotations or commas.
  • For French documents, search by French in the “Category” filter or toggle to the French side of the website. Results include French only and bilingual documents.
  • Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please contact member services.

The resources here may be public or for members only.  Some documents are also available to non-members by providing us with your email address.  By agreeing to download a resource, you agree to our Terms of Use and to receive information from Dietitians of Canada. All information is kept confidential.
Member Benefits Guide Corporate document
Household Food Insecurity in Canada (one page position position statement) Position papers and reports
Household Food Insecurity in Canada (full position statement) Position papers and reports
2022-2023 Annual Report Corporate document
Town Hall April 2023 – Questions and Answers
Member only resources, Corporate document
Employee Health Benefits Factsheet (Bilingual) 2023
Handouts, French, Nutrition Month
Nutrition Month 2023 Client Handouts
Handouts, Nutrition Month
Nutrition Month 2023 Social Media Toolkit
Toolkits, Nutrition Month
Nutrition Month 2023 Planning Guide
Member only resources, Nutrition Month
Letter to the Federal Minister on Pan-Canadian School Food Policy and Food Insecurity (December 2022) Letters, briefs and consultations
Displaying results 11-20 (of 144)
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