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Member Categories & Fees

Which one sounds like you?

Find Your Fit: Membership Tailored to Every Stage of Your Life


Full-Time - $380

  • For dietitians registered with a provincial dietetics regulatory body in Canada. Dietitians must have an undergraduate baccalaureate or graduate degree in food and nutrition, food science or nutrition science from a Canadian University (Masters or PhD)
  • Or, for dietitians who have received training and licensing outside of Canada in a country with a national dietetic association requiring completion of a 4-year University degree in dietetics that is a member of ICDA, and eligible to write the Canadian dietetics regulatory exam, pursuing additional Canadian education/experience to become eligible to write the exam.

Part-Time - $220

  • For dietitians currently employed less than 21 hours/week.

Parental/Sick/Caregiving Leave - $220

  • For Full-Time members who will be or who plans to be, on maternity/paternity/caregiving leave for at least 4 consecutive months of the current/upcoming membership year.

New Graduate -$200

  • Completed an entry-level degree at an accredited Canadian university dietetics program (eligible in the first year of practice or portion thereof)

Retired - $160

  • For permanently retired from work and aged 55 years or over; or permanently retired from work and no longer able to work due to a medical condition. This category is for former DC members and Registered Dietitians

Student - $50

  • Enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program in dietetics, food & human nutrition, food science, or nutrition science in a Canadian university.
  • Enrolled in a full-time post-graduate degree program in dietetics, food & human nutrition, food science or nutrition at a Canadian University (not yet eligible to be an dietitian)
  • Completing a dietetic internship or practicum program.

What’s included?

At Dietitians of Canada, we understand that your needs evolve as you progress through every stage of your career in dietetics.That's why our membership categories are designed to be tailored and inclusive to support you. Whether you are a student just starting out, a seasoned professional, or transitioning into retirement, Dietitians of Canada has a membership option for you.


Membership Categories and Benefits Student New Graduate Full Member Part Time Parental/Sick/Caregiving Leave Retired
PEN Unlimited Credits X X X X X X
Motivation Over the Phone Tool Kit X X X X X X
Student Network membership X          
Francophone Network Membership X X X X X X
Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice & Research X X X X X X
Find a Dietitian   X X X X  
Interview a Dietitian   X X X X  
DC Member Blogs X X X X X X
DC Your Weekly Update Newsletter X X X X X X
Voting Privileges at the Annual General Meeting X X X X X X
Student Liability Insurance - With Practicum X          
Member Discounts on:
  • Professional Liability Insurance
  • Home, auto & health Insurance
  • Online Courses & Webinar
  • Fitness Discounts
  • Telecommunication Discounts
  • Retail Discount
DC Networks (for a fee unless stated otherwise - see above) X X X X X X
Learning on Demand: All Access Pass available for purchase, providing access to all learning on demand webinars (learn more here) X X X X X X
Electronic Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT): Nutrtition Terminology Reference Manual X X X X X X

Click to see the complete payment policy

If you have questions about how your training or experience meets membership criteria, please contact us.

Please note: There are no prorated fees for purchases throughout the year.  


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