Celebrating Dietitians Day 2022! Today we want to say thank you.
Date: March 16, 2022
Today is Dietitians Day, a moment in the year to celebrate the contributions of the over 12,000 dietitians in Canada whose hard work helps to shape the future health of Canadians.
Sometimes the winds of change are a hurricane - Derek Sivers, March 2020
These past few years may indeed have felt like a hurricane for many of us as we navigate changes both professional and personal. This year, we are inviting you to join us in celebrating the dietitians and students who have continued to show great courage, compassion and perseverance in uncertain and ever changing times.
Dietitians play a critical role in the health care system, day in and day out. We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the dietitian health care heroes who continue to work and adapt to change on the frontlines providing nutrition support for COVID-19 patients, adapting food services in long-term care, offering expertise to community organizations and those who have been redeployed to conduct screening, contact tracing and vaccinations.
To the dietitians whose businesses or jobs were impacted by the pandemic, we recognize the challenges, uncertainties and change you have continued to face over the past few years, and we admire and want to celebrate your resilience and adaptability.
To our student members and their educators, your ability to adapt and flourish through changing restrictions, learning in a virtual environment and navigating changes to practicum placements is inspiring. Be proud of what you have accomplished and continue to accomplish each day!
Thank you all for raising your voices on important issues you have and continue to face to help provide better care for your clients and communities. Today we not only celebrate the important work you do as dietitians, but also the work you do and the impact you have as parents, friends, family members, volunteers, caregivers and leaders and advocates in your communities.
Lastly, we would like to recognize the continued activism and the calls for change in the dietetic community. Dietitian involvement in advocacy and social justice dates back to the early days of the profession, and as champions of the profession, we would like to thank you for continuing to fight for improved equity, diversity and inclusion in our industry and our association.
Thank you for everything that you do! To show our appreciation, DC has made over 20 LOD presentations free to DC members for the month of March. To access, visit Learning on Demand and search by the category, "free," to find the selected presentations.
Take a moment to share your gratitude for dietitians and acknowledge your colleagues on social media today using #DietitiansDay! You can use the graphics here.
Barb Ledermann, RD, MSc.
Jennifer Wojcik, RD, MSc.
Acting Co-CEOs
Dietitians of Canada
Email: ceo@dietitians.ca
Media requests: media@dietitians.ca
About Dietitians Day
Dietitians Day recognizes dietitians as regulated health care professionals, committed to using their specialized knowledge and skills to support healthy living for all Canadians. March 16, 2022 will mark the thirteenth year of celebrating Dietitians Day in Canada, always held the third Wednesday in March. Dietitians Day helps raise the profile of all dietitians and aims to encourage and attract others to this thriving profession.