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Using plain language for resource development and elevating your dietetic practice

Date and time: October 20 2 pm ET
Hosted by: The Consulting Dietitians Network
Speaker: Alka Chopra, RD

Date and time: October 20 at 2 pm ET
Hosted by: The Consulting Dietitians Network
Speaker: Alka Chopra, RD

Description:  As healthcare providers we carry a professional responsibility to ensure our patients are able to understand the information being shared with them. And often times the “plain language” concept is either overlooked or the patient understanding is taken for granted. With an emphasis on “plain language” this webinar will provide you with the real meaning of “plain language” along with strategies to help you identify specific areas to use plain language and share evidence-based information so your personality shines through, and your patients are able to connect with you.

Learning outcomes
  • Explain how and why plain language and written communication can make or break down your relationship with your client.
  • Identify effective and ineffective examples of resources
  • Specify criteria for choosing appropriate typography, imagery, layout and design elements to support a clean, accessible design.
  • Develop a process for developing and editing your resources using plain language.

To register: This event is now closed.  Please check the Consulting Dietitians Network for the recording. Learn more about the network and join here
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