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Webinaire sur le guide de style pour des recettes sécuritaires nov. 26, 2024 La présentation comprendra des informations sur les maladies d'origine alimentaire, le guide de style pour des recettes sûres au Canada, une démonstration de recette montrant comment intégrer la sécurité alimentaire dans les recettes, la recherche future, et une session de questions-réponses. Quelles politiques nos gouvernements peuvent et devraient mettre en place pour améliorer les environnements alimentaires? Résultats de Food-EPI Canada 2023 mai 14, 2024 Ce webinaire donnera un aperçu des actions politiques fédérales visant à améliorer l'environnement alimentaire au Canada et formulera des recommandations sur la manière de combler les lacunes politiques. Ce travail fait partie de l'étude Food-EPI Canada et du programme de recherche INFORMAS Canada. Legal Considerations for Dysphagia Care and Eating At Risk nov. 27, 2023 Join the Gerontology, Home Care and Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment Networks for a conversation with a healthcare lawyer as she explains the legal considerations pertaining to the complexities of dietetic dysphagia management and eating at risk, busts common myths and explains best practices to protect ourselves from liability. Strategies and Considerations for Supporting Neurodivergent Clients with Feeding and Eating Challenges nov. 21, 2023 Learn about the difficulties faced by neurodivergent people when it comes to supporting adequate nourishment and accessing care. PEN Update: Can Alcohol be Safely Consumed, and Why Do Countries Disagree? nov. 09, 2023 This webinar will showcase PEN’s new alcohol related content, with a deep dive into the evidence related to alcohol. Reversing the Tide: Unravelling the diet-disease relationship in metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease oct. 25, 2023 Delve into the crucial relationship between diet and MAFLD, emphasizing the pivotal role of diet in the disease. Inspiring Dietitians to Advance Sustainable Urban Crop Production oct. 23, 2023 Learn more about sustainable home gardening practices. Considerations in the management of infants and children with feeding and swallowing issues: The feeding therapist perspective oct. 20, 2023 Understand the complex interplay of issues that can impact oral feeding in infants and children. Using plain language for resource development and elevating your dietetic practice oct. 20, 2023 Sign up for this webinar on the Consulting Dietitians Network portal. Nutrition status and services and Trisomy 21 oct. 20, 2023 Join the DOC and Pediatric Networks for a discussion about a research study that aims to determine the nutritional status and lived experience receiving nutrition services of children born with Trisomy 21.
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