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Legal Considerations for Dysphagia Care and Eating At Risk

Date and time: November 27 at 1 pm ET
Hosted by: The Gerontology, Home Care and Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment Networks 
Speaker: Parmis Gourdarzi-Malayeri, Lawyer

Have you ever asked yourself, "What is the risk of liability to myself or my facility if my patient doesn’t follow my diet recommendations? Or "What if my patient does follow my recommendations and still chokes?”  
“Does an ‘eating at risk’ form actually hold up in court?”

Registered Dietitians working with patients with dysphagia are often faced with challenging situations that bring feelings of worry and anxiety about liability.  Join us for a conversation with healthcare lawyer Parmis Gourdarzi-Malayeri as she explains the legal considerations pertaining to the complexities of dietetic dysphagia management and eating at risk, busts common myths and explains best practices to protect ourselves from liability.  

By the end of this presentation, participants will increase their knowledge about risks of liability with respect to dysphagia care, and understand best practices that will help to protect against liability. To register: This event is now closed.  Please check the Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment and Pediatric Nutrition Network portals for the recording. 

To register: This event is now closed.  The recording of this event is available on the host network website portals.  

Learn more about the Gerontology Network and join here.
Learn more about DATN and join here. 
Learn more about the Home Care Network and join here.

Parmis is an Associate Lawyer at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG). In her practice, she represents hospitals, nurses and other allied health professionals in medical malpractice litigation, and provides advisory support to healthcare institutions. Parmis obtained her law degree from Windsor Law, where she completed a legal externship placement at Windsor Regional Hospital. She also holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology from York University.
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